People have adopted social distancing as a means of slowing the pandemic's progress, which has naturally resulted in a decline in brick-and-mortar shopping. That would seem to indicate that online shopping would likely increase as people turn to eCommerce to purchase products they would not buy in person.
Subscription services.
There are some exceptions to the general trend of eCommerce sales not skyrocketing as one might expect. One of these is subscription and convenience services, which have seen substantial sales and conversion increases in recent years.
Other forms of eCommerce.
E-commerce encompasses a broad range of items across categories in addition to groceries. COVID data on eCommerce shopping behaviour has been usefully updated by Common Thread Collective. Although e-commerce output isn't necessarily improving or declining, segmenting the data by vertical reveals more details.
eCommerce in the grocery store.
The second week of March saw a surge in grocery eCommerce as shoppers went online to find items that weren't available in their local grocery stores.